Federal Republic of Germany was collapsing under the weight of its
debts in 1953 and seemed likely to drag other European nations down with
it. Its creditors, including Greece, were concerned for their own
safety and acknowledged something unsurprising to anyone but a modern
neoliberal: that a policy of internal devaluation (reductions in
salaries) does not guarantee that debts will be repaid, but the
an extraordinary summit in London on 27 February 1953, 21 countries
decided to reassess their demands to adjust to Germany’s ability to
fulfil its obligations. They cut Germany’s nominal outstanding debt by
60% and granted it a five-year moratorium and a 30-year payback period.
They also devised a development clause which meant Germany did not have
to spend more than 5% of its export revenues on servicing its debt.
Europe’s action effectively reversed the thrust of the 1919 Treaty of
Versailles and laid the foundations for West Germany’s post-war
is precisely what Greece’s Coalition of the Radical Left (Syriza)
proposes now: drawing inspiration from one of the greatest visionary
moments in post-war European history and going in the opposite direction
to all the little Versailles Treaties that the German chancellor Angela
Merkel, and her finance minister Wolfgang Schäuble, have imposed on
Europe’s indebted nations.
“rescue” plans for southern Europe have failed, only creating
bottomless pits that contributors have been invited to fill with money.
Finding a global, collective and definitive solution to the debt problem
is pressing, and should not be overshadowed by attempts to secure the
re-election of the German chancellor.
these circumstances, Syriza’s proposal for a European conference on
debt on the 1953 model represents, we believe, the only realistic
solution capable of benefiting everyone: a global response to the credit
crisis and the failure of Europe’s policies so far.
This is what we are asking for:
— a significant reduction in the nominal value of Greece’s outstanding public debt;
— a moratorium on servicing that debt, so that the money saved can be used to get the Greek economy back on its feet;
— a “development clause” to ensure that debt repayment doesn’t stifle economic recovery at birth; and
— the recapitalisation of Greece’s banks, without the cost of this being added to the public debt.
measures should be supported by reforms that aim to achieve a more
equitable distribution of wealth. Putting the debt crisis behind us
means breaking with the past that caused it: working for social justice,
equal rights, political and fiscal transparency — in other words,
democracy. Such a project can only be carried out by a party that is
independent from the financial oligarchy that is responsible for the
crisis and seeks to preserve the status quo — the company bosses who
have held the state hostage, the clique of ship owners who, up
until 2013, haven’t paid taxes, media tycoons and bankrupt bankers with a
finger in every pie. The 2012 annual report of the NGO
Transparency International named Greece as Europe’s most corrupt
Eurozone in crisis
proposal is the only solution, we believe, unless we wish to see an
exponential increase in Europe’s ballooning public debt, which on
average already exceeds 90% of GDP. This is what makes us optimistic:
our proposal cannot be rejected, because the crisis is already eating
away at the central core of the Eurozone. Procrastination will only
increase the social and economic cost of the present situation, not just
for Greece but also for Germany and the other Eurozone countries.
Eurozone, which was inspired by neoliberal dogma, functioned like a
straightforward monetary union for 12 years without any concomitant
social or political dimension. The trade deficits of the south mirrored
the profits of the north. Germany reacted by exporting its recipe for
austerity, which worsened social inequality in southern countries and
economic tensions in the Eurozone. A northern creditors/southern debtors
axis has now emerged, a new division of labour orchestrated by the
richest countries: the south will specialise in labour-intensive
products and services at rock-bottom wages, while the north races for
quality and innovation, with even higher salaries for a few.
The proposal put forward by Hans-Peter Keitel, president of the German Confederation of Industry, in an interview on Der Spiegel’s website, would turn Greece into a “special economic zone” (1); this reveals the true objective of the May memorandum (2).
The measures in this document, with a writ that runs at least
until 2020, have led to resounding failure, and this has now been
recognised by the IMF. For its architects, the agreement has the
advantage of imposing economic control on Greece, reducing it to the
level of a financial colony of the Eurozone.
cancellation of the memorandum is therefore a vital first step towards
ending the crisis: it’s the medicine that is toxic, not just the dose,
as some have suggested.
also need to be asked about the other causes of the Greek financial
crisis. The factors that lead to the squandering of public money have
not changed: for example, the highest price for road construction per
kilometre in Europe, and the privatisation of the motorways under the
guise of “prepayment” for new routes, whose construction has been
Cronyism or corruption
inequalities cannot be regarded as a mere secondary effect of the
financial crisis. The Greek financial system reflects the cronyism
uniting the elites. It is riddled with exemptions and get-out clauses
tailored to the needs of the oligarchy. The informal pact that, since
the dictatorship has entwined the interests of the bosses and the
twin-headed New Democracy-Pasok monster, has ensured its perpetuation.
This is one of the reasons why the state has given up on obtaining the
resources it needs from taxation and has instead opted for continual
reduction of wages and pensions.
But the political establishment — which only just scraped through the elections on 17 June (3)
by stirring up fears of Greece’s possible exit from the Eurozone — only
survives thanks to the life-support system that is corruption. The
difficult task of ending the collusion between political and economic
interests — a challenge that Greece does not face alone — will be a
priority for a popular government led by Syriza.
are therefore calling for a moratorium on the servicing of our debt in
order to transform Greece. Without this, any new attempt to restore
financial health will only make Sisyphuses of us all, doomed to failure.
But this time the drama will affect all of Europe.