Friday, 20 August 2010

"Democracy Is Terror"

Robespierre: "...for, nuances of perfidy or cruelty apart, all tyrants are alike."

All psychopaths are cowards - this is our only Revolutionary Hope.

Waterstones cashing in on five illegal wars in 10 years, giving a notorious psychopathic state terrorist war mongering fascist the opportunity to assuage his recently acquired Catholic guilt complex in a marketing exercise of gross distaste.

Cut up your Waterstones card and tell them why or turn up at the store, nick a copy of the book, and spit into the bastard's face...

Or ask him how he feels about the children or Uranium-tipped weapons or even the illegal use of Uranium beyond merely being "tipped".

Peter Biskind's comment about the illegal state carnage that the Imperium dropped on Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos is relevant for the War Criminal too: "The truth is that the war was a crime, not a tragedy."

But what am I saying?
We live in a democracy.
But a democracy with manufactured consent.

People marched in over 600 cities across the world in opposition to the illegalities in Iraq.
No democracy in World Government.

And at a state level, we are offered Nick Clegg, a peculiarly British version of the hanging chad, as a demonstration of our democratic rights.

Chomsky: "The mass media serve as a system for communicating messages and symbols to the general populace. It is their function to amuse, entertain, and inform, and to inculcate individuals with the values, beliefs, and codes of behaviour that will integrate them into the institutional structures of the larger society. In a world of concentrated wealth and major conflicts of class interest, to fulfil this role requires systematic propaganda."

I don't know about you, but I often go about winning hearts and minds by massacring innocents and using enhanced nuclear weaponry.
Just how loved do these people wish to be?

And what a Fantastic Charade the Charlatans offer the X-Factor Gens.

Jean Baudrillard: "Not a shadow of seduction can be detected in the universe of production, ruled by the transparency principle governing all forces in the order of visible and calculable phenomena: objects, machines, sexual acts, or gross national product."

State militias mutually supporting the business classes on the props of the acquiescent press and the acquiescent...

Leslie Griffith: "A modern day financial monarchy, Goldman acts with the impunity once reserved for kings. Controlling legislators. Electing the President. Filling the executive branch with well-heeled lackeys, manipulating world markets and betting against the welfare of its own clients... the American people. When the equivalent of tax-time came, they squeezed the peasants for billions of bail-out bucks."

Ah! But to be fair now, the Imperium did dispatch $10 million to 'save' the Pakistani people from the impacts of largely American-made man-made climate change.

And the most alternative television news programme in British mainstream tv (Channel 4 News) leads off on the Blair Philanthropy and the Yank Generosity...
And the most alternative mainstream newspaper (The Guardian) told their chatterers to back Clegg The Chad.

All of the mainstream supports these "unaccountable private tyrannies".

Baudrillard: "Welcome to the techno-lumino-kinetic space and total-spatio-dynamic theatre... a gentle push in the right place is enough to bring it crashing down."

Slavoj Žižek: "The King of the Universe is the supreme criminal Anarchist... Does, then, the ecological challenge not offer a unique chance to reinvent the "eternal Idea" of egalitarian terror?"

Revolutionary Communist in the short-term, Anarchist in the short, medium and long term.

*And, if you want to plan your day out at Waterstones, you might start by reading the article by John Pilger "Tony Blair Must Be Prosecuted" at (

No more autogenocide.

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